So, I hope you all took notice of the picture on the right of my last post. If not, its just below this one anyway. On the right side of the picture you'll notice a deck on the second floor, and a roof leading to the parking lot. Also attached to the porch is a rope and a bag that can be pulled between the inn and the restaurant. I bring this up because yesterday I got stuck on that deck for ten minutes!
See, no one told me that if you let the door slam shut behind you like it wants to, then you'll be locked out. So when I went out to use the "pully bag" (yes, they actually call it that) I let the door swing shut. After using the bag, I went to the door, and found out that I was stuck. I realized that the house was empty, so I climbed over the porch-railing, and walked along the roof to the edge and looked down into the four foot rock filled chasm between me and the cars, and quickly went back to safety on the deck! How did I get off you ask? I sat there and yelled for Nancy down in the kitchen to come rescue me. She didn't hear me for a good ten minutes but she finally came up and got me off. YAY!!! In other news, someone stole the eagle totem pole from the front porch! How weird is that! Stupid kids! I bet that will be like stevens stop sign. It just sits there and no one knows what to do with it when they're trying to clean out years from now.
For the record, no Snell took that stop sign. It was an unrequested gift to Beth and it has since taken residence elsewhere :)
I was also going to inform that the sign only got to Steven by way of Beth, who simply received the stolen property that we speak of.
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