Thursday, January 15, 2009

All Mine!!!

Well, in the space of about a week my work hours have fluctuated quite a lot. got about four new cases! Then, slowly my luck seemed to change. My older more fragile friends slowly began to experience disaster. My Alzheimers' lady got moved into a home, and Marion (that I clean and shop for) fell down her front steps and broke her leg in two places! Horrible! Not only am I now deprived of their kindness and friendship, but the whole ordeal makes all of those new cases irrelevant. Next, I lost three of the four cases, and gained three different ones in the same day! Whatever, I have decided to move into an apartment! Despite my recent flux, I have been assured that within the next two weeks I will have the maximum forty hours possible! Hearing this, I have decided that its time for an apartment! So, at this very minute I sit in 226 Jefferson St Apt 3! It is a small thing, but its mine, and more space than I had before! I have my own bathroom, and refrigerator! How exciting! Another very lovely thing is that I bearly have the heat on at all, yet the surrounding apartments are heating my bedroom, and, I'm picking up someones Internet! I'm loving this whole experience. In short, its going to be a lovely six months!